Chrystal & Michael: Family Session

I have had my fair share of family sessions where the littles are just not feeling it. I've also had my fair share of the parents of those littles becoming instantly stressed out and suddenly absolutely no one is having a good time. So, I have to extend a huge thanks to Chrystal for just getting it and having a little faith. Because when one of your littles is just not about photos or wanting anything to do with anyone but dad, sometimes that is just real life. And real life is the only way to have an authentic family session. Real life means sometimes you have a kid who is over the top all about posing and being the center of attention, and sometimes you have a kid who absolutely does not want to look at some weirdo with a camera....and sometimes that weirdo with a camera will say okay, so dad why don't you hold that little upside down by his ankles and see if that might change his mood;) In the end the family session is all about capturing a few little memories that will last a lifetime.

Chrystal, I was honored to meet you and your little family. Thanks for being you and I hope you enjoy this little sneak peek <3